Tuesday, May 9, 2017

I haven't blogged in over two years.

I had some life changes. Interest changes. Project priority changes.
Lost interest in writing. Again.

I tried to revive "The Works..." today and although I can find it using the address 'TheWorksofOurHands.blogspot.com', I can't do anything with it. Troubleshooting just confused me, talking about the wrong Google account but I only know of the one I have. So, like the old Yahoo I can't get into, technology and I are at a stalemate. And The Works 2 is born.

I think I need it to keep me on project. I think I need it to vent. I think I need it to keep away from phone games.

We'll see.

I haven't blogged in over two years. I had some life changes. Interest changes. Project priority changes. Lost interest in writing. A...